
Class: com.microstrategy.web.app.taglibs.IfDisplayMoreTag


This tag analyzes a given list of object types and maximum number of elements that an object might have of each one of them as children. If any of these limits is exceeded, the tag returns a True condition evaluated. This tag is used when a maximum limit of objects to display is set, and if there are more objects, then a link or note has to be displayed for indicating the user there are more objects than the ones currently seen. For example:
 <web:ifDisplayMore name="shared" maxObjects="3:6;8:10;55:2">
     This content will be displayed if the current object counter for the given object types has exceeded the limits defined.

Name Required? Description
bean false Indicates the name of the bean to search for, so the number of its children objects can be analyzed according to the limits specified on the maxObjects attribute.
The different bean types whose children can be analyzed include FolderBean, InboxBean and SubscriptionFolderBean. Each one of the objects listed inside these beans will be compared against the limits defined.
maxObjects true Indicates a set of limits in the number of objects to account for, divided by object type.
The number of children objects inside the bean specified on the name attribute will be counted and compared against the limits specified on this attribute. The most simple way for setting a limit is listing a single number like "5" as possible value, this will indicate that 5 is the limit (regardless of the object type) and if the number of children exceeds 5, then the tag will evaluate the condition as True.
name false Indicates the name of the bean to search for, so the number of its children objects can be analyzed according to the limits specified on the maxObjects attribute.
The different bean types whose children can be analyzed include FolderBean, InboxBean and SubscriptionFolderBean. Each one of the objects listed inside these beans will be compared against the limits defined.